phosphorus pentoxide

  • 网络五氧化二磷;磷酸酐
phosphorus pentoxidephosphorus pentoxide
  1. Rapid Determination of Phosphorus Pentoxide in Extraction Paste by Acid-Base Titration


  2. Phosphorylation of high fatty alcohol with phosphorus pentoxide was studied with the aid of 31 P NMR spectrum .


  3. Determination of Phosphorus Pentoxide Content in Carbonate Rocks by Spectrophotometry


  4. Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide & The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of phosphorus pentoxide content


  5. Determination of Phosphorus Pentoxide in Phosphate Ore by Bismuth Salt - molybdenum Blue Parallax Photometric Method


  6. The structure and the acidic properties of H β zeolite were modified with phosphorus pentoxide added by using chemical vapour deposition method .


  7. The method is suited to determine the phosphorus pentoxide contents with the range of 5 % ~ 38 % in phosphate ores .


  8. Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime into caprolactam catalyzed with phosphorus pentoxide


  9. Note . ( 1 ) The dichloromethane is distilled from phosphorus pentoxide and stored over molecular sieves .


  10. Phosphorus-doped phenolic resin carbon was prepared by low temperature ( 700 ℃) pyrolysis of thermoplastic phenolic resin containing different amounts of phosphorus pentoxide after curing .


  11. Aliphatic alcohol polyethenoxy phosphate is synthesized based on aliphatic alcohol polyethenoxy ether ( AEO 3 ) and phosphorus pentoxide .


  12. A series of new type phosphate amphoteric surfactants were synthesized by using ethylene glycol , epichlorohydrin , alkyl tertiary amine and phosphorus pentoxide as raw materials .


  13. Preparation p-n junction by phosphorus pentoxide sublimation , the most influence on square resistance is reaction time followed by flow and silicon reaction temperature , the least is phosphorus oxychloride diffusion .


  14. Include the following parts : 1 . The hydroxyapatite with nano-crystalline structure was prepared by sol-gel method with mild conditions as the calcium nitrate tetrahydrate and phosphorus pentoxide used for raw materials .


  15. Tests proved that : arsenic is separated differently by putting different quantity sodium sulfide liquid and different static settlement time after stirring evenly , and it is not affecting defluorination , not reducing phosphorus pentoxide content .


  16. A new process is studied for the synthesis of alcohol ethoxylate phosphate prepared by esterifying alcohol ethoxylate ( AEO 3 ) with phosphorus pentoxide in the presence of water and hydrolyzing with steam .


  17. Results : The linear range of phosphorus pentoxide in air of workplace was 0.0 ~ 4.0 μ g / ml with its correlation coefficent 0.9997.The detecting lower limit of the method was 0.5 μ g / ml.


  18. In the uniformity comparison of preparation p-n junction by phosphorus oxychloride diffusion and by phosphorus pentoxide sublimation , it is more uniformity that p-n junction preparation by phosphorus pentoxide sublimation .
